Saturday, December 12, 2009

Setting a Time for Character Creation

I don't believe the 19th will work because of Shaun having to work. That leaves us three dates, the furthest I'd like to set character creation because I'm eager to get this off the ground.

The first date is December 26th, I'm assuming there may be family commitments that get in the way. I will be free that day and if I'm not the only one I'd be happy to do it on that day, I'm just not expecting it till I hear from you guys.

The next option is January 2nd. I work that day, I'll be home around 5pm or so. If you don't mind getting a later start, that will work for me.

The farthest date I'd like to set it would be January 9th.

Inside those three dates, is there one that would for you guys?

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