Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Famous People in the Empire Part 1

A quick note – these are quick vignettes of characters and NPCs in our game in a “metagame” perspective – they will contain information that is not fully available to the average player character.  Think of them as a dramatis personae listing for the story we’ll be telling together.

Emperor Hantei Jian-mei – Son of Heaven, Emperor of Rokguan

Hantei Jian-mei is the 38th member of the line.  He is a young Emperor, who is fascinated with cultures outside of Rokugan.  During the reign of his father, a delegation of Shen-zou dignitaries visited the Empire and brought with them visitors from other lands including the Burning Sands and the Ivory Kingdom.  Jian-mei was amazed by this display.

Jian-mei decided that in order for Rokugan to prosper, it must gain larger access to goods and trade outside of the borders of the Empire.  While his father opened limited trade with Shen-zou, Jian-mei pushed for lessened sanctions and more relaxed travelling privileges.  He was given a position of authority in trade negotiations and became one of the few Hantei to leave the Empire.  He journeyed to Shen-zou and spent a large amount of time travelling inside the borders of that large country, learning the language and studying the culture of Rokugan's larger, older neighbor.  He would eventually take the name Jian-mei as a reference to his respect for the Middle Kingdom.  This caused concern, but as Emperor, his first name is not expected to be used, preventing embarrassing incidents at court.

Jian-mei became Emperor during his 28th  year, after his father died suddenly of  a stroke in his 65th year.  He could have retired several years ago, but the Emperor stubbornly continued to hold to his position until his death.  Some believe the Emperor was holding out, hoping Jian-mei's fascination with other cultures would eventually wane. 

Jian-mei made revising trade a priority of his first years.  He was able to manipulate the Clans by offering Imperial tax credits if they could help increase the amount of profitable trade the Empire could produce.  While some balked at the idea of trading their goods outside of the Empire's borders, the influx of exotic goods and profit soon began to change minds. 

He also choose to loosen restrictions for foreigners who would choose to visit Rokugan, easing passage into and among Imperial holdings.  While his hands are tied when it comes to dictating policy inside Clan lands, he hopes that the example of peaceful Imperial lands open to visitors and trade will eventually wear down most hostility to his proposals.  Under his rule, islanders from Ryuku and Yobanjin have an easier time integrating into Rokugani culture (but by no means peaceful or completely smooth). 

Jian-mei is a controversial Emperor.  His trade incentives have both benefited and scandalized the Clans.  Several samurai feel that the influx of foreign influence is weakening Rokugani culture and causing a degradation of morals.  Several have also benefited from dealing with a large neighbor country that is hungry for Rokugani goods and raw materials.  Jian-mei is a extremely sharp trader, able to grasp the subtleties of balancing income against an excessive outflow of native material and so far his policies have sufficiently protected Rokugani interest. 

However, his position as Emperor has severely curtailed his ability to be involved directly in negotiations.  Since an Emperor is too high for the mundane activities of the merchants, he can no longer directly supervise many aspects of the policies he put into place.  Jian-mei feels restricted and imprisoned by his position - though it is shameful, he greatly desires the simple life of a trader, to see the world and experience new sights and new sensations. 

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